We are an onion site created against fake sellers or scammers. No fake seller can ever be found here because we have many policies that must prove their authenticity. The sites we approve have "Verified" tags and you can trust these vendors. Don't trust any site that doesn't have this tag.

We cannot know that all vendors on Deepweb are real or fake, so only proven genuine sites or proven fake sites are listed here. Never shop with any site that has a "Scam" tag. Mail us for our security policy. Our banner advertising agreements are included in these policies.

-- ABOUT US --
I've been on Deepweb for a long time, but once I was shopping to support my family. I have made real orders many times and have been scammed many times, recently the fraud has started to become a lot and I have been affected and damaged by these bad sites. My only goal is to separate real sites and fake sites and I try to publish real sites on my site. In this way, both myself and you will benefit. Here you can rely on our site to support me or if you want to make a profit, if you wish, send us a mail and I can help you.



King Money - Prepaid Cards, PayPal Accounts, PayPal Transfers, Western Union Transfers, MoneyGram Transfers, CC Fullz...[Verified]
Financial Service - Paypal, Western Uniton, Prepaid Cards... Best Credit Card And Money Transfer Service. Since 2017.[Verified]
Hidden PayPal - Current paypal accounts, here you can always buy paypal accounts that work for you. Affordable prices and quality profits.[Verified]
WeedMarket - WeedMarket is the safest marketplace that provides complete confidentiality in the payment system and personal information. Here you can find quality products at the best price.[Verified]
Light Money - Escrow Accepted + CashApp, Western Union, Moneygram, Paypal, Bank & Credit Card Services.[Verified]
Fast Money - Prepaid Cards, PayPal accounts, PayPal, Western Union and MoneyGram transfers CC Fullz [Verified]
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Bitcoin.org - The main information portal. Here you will find all the most necessary information about buying Bitcoin. You can also choose a wallet to use your bitcoin.[Verified]
Paxful - Service facilitates over-the-counter trading of local currency for bitcoins[Verified]
Localbitcoins - secure online platform for buying, selling, transferring, and storing digital currency.[Verified]
DNMX - Swiss based e-mail service, encrypts e-mails locally on your browser. Free and paid accounts.[Verified]
HOODLE - Tor Search Engine, claims to index around 1.1 Million pages[Verified]
Tordex - The most modern and advanced search engine in the deep web.[Verified]


Hitman List - The hitmen list on dark web, see what is scam and what is real, reviews from customers. hire a hitman, contract killer, assassin, murder, killer [Verified]
Mexican Mafia - Best darkweb murder.
Dark Mamba - Private Military . Hire a hitman.
Mara Salvatrucha - Mara Salvatrucha gang engaged in contract killings through the Dark Network.
Sinola Cartel - Biggest provider for Murder and Kidnapping services since 2017!
Assassinations - Hire a Hitman
Internet Killers - Biggest provider for Murder and Kidnapping services since 2017! The only Hitman for Hire service on the dark web that works with your budget and supports multisig escrow!